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What We Believe:

the GHCC Affirmation of Faith


Can we understand the Trinity? Why is the church important? Why is the study of end-times confusing?

These are all theological questions. Theology is the way we understand who God is, how He has communicated to the world, and what He expects of His people. In this class, we will explore the theological distinctives that make up the Golden Hills Affirmation of Faith.


Textbook: Any version of the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith
Teacher: Vinnie Angelo


The subjects we will cover

each week

Here are the Power Point files (PDF) for each week. Please check back by Saturday of each week for updates

Here is the link to the GHCC Affirmation of Faith.

An online version of the LBCF

Here are the class notes

for each week. Please check back by Saturday of each Week for updates

Book Format of the LBCF

Class Audio

Class Videos (Zoom version)

YouTube Playlist

Other Resources

"Sola Scriptura"  — Phil Ward (week 2 of the 2018 GHCC study on the Five Solas)

"Pastors, Politics, and Christian Liberty" —Jonathan Leeman (session at the 2018 "Together For the Gospel" conference)

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